Capacity Building for LA Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) Grantees

  • Contact Name: Phyllis Owens, vice president, business development and strategic partnerships
  • Partners: Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, Los Angeles County, City of Los Angeles, the United Way’s Home for Good Funders Collaborative
  • Capacities: Organizational development assessment, technical assistance

Community Partners is one of five organizations selected to provide assessment and longer-term technical assistance to homeless services providers in the county, an effort by LAHSA to strengthen and prepare these groups for the rapid growth that will come with the disbursement of well over $200 million in new County and City funding. LAHSA, LA County, LA City and United Way are working together to ensure a coordinated approach to addressing homelessness in the region, and want to ensure that key service providers are as prepared as possible to rapidly and effectively scale up their services. Community Partners is currently working with Valley Oasis, the lead agency in the Antelope Valley and The Center at Blessed Sacrament, dedicated to ending isolation and homelessness in Hollywood.

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Community Intervention Partnership

Community Partners provides human resources services for community intervention workers employed through the City of Los Angeles’ GRYD (Gang Reduction & Youth Development) program. The...

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Hospice for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness

Our mission is to provide individuals experiencing homelessness access to compassionate, quality hospice care focusing on respect, honor, and dignity. We accomplish our mission by developing a patient-centric, coordinated care network that leverages and integrates resources to address medical, social, emotional, and cultural concerns.

Joined with Community Partners: March 2019

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Mirror Memoirs

Uplifting LGBTQI+ People of Color Who Survived Child Sexual Abuse. Mirror Memoirs is a national storytelling and organizing project uplifting LGBTQI+ people of color who...

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All Children Thrive – California (ACT-CA)

  • Contact Name: Cynthia Freeman, sr. program director
  • Partners: UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families and Communities,, California Department of Public Health and Public Health Advocates
  • Capacities: Financial and contract management; administration and oversight; thought partnership

ACT-CA is a three-year statewide initiative (2019-2021) to expand the role of cities and counties in preventing childhood trauma, countering its effects, and fostering community healing and resilience. An Equity Advisory Group ensures that the initiative’s design and implementation are equity-focused, community-driven, and likely to succeed in changing outcomes for children. ACT-CA is part of a national effort to identify the strategies and policies that can address an increase in chronic health problems among our nation’s children.

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California Accountable Communities for Health Initiative (CACHI)

Thirteen California communities are working to fundamentally transform the current health care delivery system through a community-wide approach to health with better integrated clinical care,...

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California Asset Building Coalition

The coalition educates policymakers, community leaders and stakeholders on strategies that help low- and middle-income Californians climb the economic ladder, and break the cycle of poverty that plagues over 9 million residents (24%) across the state

Joined with Community Partners: September 2019

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Faith Foster Families Network

The mission of the Faith Foster Families Network is to provide resources, safety and well-being to families and children impacted by the child welfare system.

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California Accountable Communities for Health Initiative (CACHI)

  • Contact Name: Arpiné Shakhbandaryan, senior program manager
  • Partners: Blue Shield of California Foundation, The California Endowment, The California Wellness Foundation, Kaiser Permanente, Sierra Health Foundation, Well Being Trust, Social Impact Exchange and California Health and Human Services Agency
  • Capacities: Making and monitoring grants; executing and monitoring contracts; providing financial management and administrative support to the Program Manager and Members; providing logistical and program support for grantee gatherings, learning community and Member meetings; technical assistance, research, evaluations and communication.

Thirteen California communities are working to fundamentally transform the current health care delivery system through a community-wide approach to health with better integrated clinical care, community and social services, and upstream prevention. Accountable Communities for Health, a national model, creates powerful multi-sector collaborations to address a wide variety of critical community health priorities—such as cardiovascular health, substance use, asthma, community violence and children’s health—over the long term.

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Capacity Building for LA Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) Grantees

Community Partners is one of five organizations selected to provide assessment and longer-term technical assistance to homeless services providers in the county, an effort by...

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Scaling Student Success

Scaling Student Success is a California partnership focused on more holistically and equitably preparing CA youth for future success in college, career, and civic engagement. We do so by helping school districts and communities operationalize their Graduate Profiles and hold themselves collectively accountable for assuring that all students meet the articulated outcomes. Then, we pull on policy levers intended to scale and sustain the higher expectations for more holistic and equitable student readiness for future success.

Joined with Community Partners: September 2019

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California Asset Building Coalition

The coalition educates policymakers, community leaders and stakeholders on strategies that help low- and middle-income Californians climb the economic ladder, and break the cycle of...

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Love, Dad: Supporting fathers and families with young children

Through direct service, research and training Love, Dad advocates for policies and practices that promote work with fathers as an expected and integrated part of engaging developing families.

Joined with Community Partners: December 2019

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Scaling Student Success

Scaling Student Success is a California partnership focused on more holistically and equitably preparing CA youth for future success in college, career, and civic engagement....

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Vigilant Love

#VigilantLOVE creates spaces for connection and grassroots movement to ensure the safety and justice of communities impacted by Islamophobia and violence. Building upon the legacy of Muslim American and Japanese American solidarity since 9/11, Vigilant Love is a healing and arts-driven organization that counters mainstream narratives of insularity. Vigilant Love organizes solidarity programming and grassroots movement to resist Islamophobic ideologies that inflict personal, communal and state violence by creating spaces for connection amongst those identifying as Japanese American, Muslim American, Black, South Asian, Arab, East Asian, Latinx, queer, trans, and interfaith accomplices.

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Love, Dad: Supporting fathers and families with young children

Through direct service, research and training Love, Dad advocates for policies and practices that promote work with fathers as an expected and integrated part of...

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